Surviving prostate cancer

I’ve been writing and rewriting my thoughts on “Memory” after I came across a song called “I Remember You” by Frank Ifield, recorded in the early 60’s. I hit a wall (writing)… until today.

I recently posted on Facebook, a note that I have been cancer free for five years. The responses to this post have been running through my mind like a dreidel all day.

My thoughts ran through the memories of losing two of my brothers to cancer, Robert Lynn Koons in 1994, at the age of 47 and Michael Edward Koons in 2012, at the age of 56, as well as uncles, aunts, cousins, and other friends. In the case of my brothers, their cancer had spread far and wide by the time they were diagnosed. We don’t know if it includes prostate cancer. It hurts to see that in print. Almost everyone I know and certainly most of the people who have clicked “Like” or commented on this post have family members, close and far and friends, who have also lost to cancer. Seeing that I *survived*, I had to hurt those whose family and friends I didn’t. I don’t take this survival for granted. Never again. * Whatever caused cancer to invade my body can cause it again, but not in the same way. I’m more aware now, but as George Carlin might say, “Just because the monkey’s away from you, doesn’t mean the circus has left town.”

I ask you; Please be more aware than I used to be. My current prostate cancer diagnosis came about through one of those serendipitous events arising from what I thought was a different physical problem. I had yearly physicals and realized after the fact that my PSA had been rising for the past 3 years. I saw it but didn’t process the information.

On the morning of January 2, 2010, Louisa, Seven, and I were walking in Washington Park. It was very cold and there was snow on the ground, like today. Nothing unusual about that. Louisa stopped talking about dogs with a man who was also walking his dog. At some point I realized that I was unstable. I felt that if I tried to move I would fall. When they had finished visiting them, Louisa began to walk over and stopped, asking me what was wrong. I said I didn’t think I could move without falling over. She took me to a bench and sat with me. She said I had no signs usually associated with a stroke. After a few minutes, maybe five minutes, I got up and walked with her. I felt fine, but was shaken enough to make a doctor’s appointment. The visitation and subsequent journey began on January 5, 2010.

Dr. Catherine Compton examined me, drew blood and suggested I see a neurologist, which I did. She also said I should see a urologist, because my PSA was high, at 9 at the time. Over the next 4 weeks I had brain scans, MRI, MRE, eeg, ekg, and I don’t remember anything else without looking at the records. The neurologist confirmed that I did not have a TIA, but most likely experienced low blood sugar at the event in the park.

I visited a urologist, Dr. Reuven Rosen who suggested a biopsy based on the pattern of PSA elevation. Biopsy showed prostate cancer. Caught at an early stage. After considering various treatment options, including physical therapy and chemotherapy, and because of the history of cancer in my family, I chose to have robotic surgery to remove it. I am and I thank God for his guidance, and for placing me in the care and skills of Dr. Jeremy Weiss and his staff, nurse, doctors, and technicians. I say I’m cancer-free because since that surgery on January 4, 2011, my PSA is still “undetectable,” which really means “not enough to measure.”

My friend, the late Charles Burrell* introduced me to the Hamilton Rademacher Men’s Cancer Society (HRMCC), two weeks after surgery. I still participate in the support group and encourage you to contact me personally, through Facebook Private Messenger or by phone, if you know any men who you think could benefit from our discussions. Men usually do not want to share or discuss prostate cancer or talk about any disease. HRMCC provides an atmosphere where men really do it. truly. *Not to be confused with the well-known Denver musician of the same name.

Prostate cancer is still being researched and supported by local groups, such as the Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC) and through events such as Mac’s Run for PCEC and the Denver Blue Shoe 5k, hosted by the Urology Clinic of Colorado (TUCC). I ran each of those races, wearing a BIB with a number and the word SURVIVOR on it. I am a five year prostate cancer survivor. I am careful about what I eat and drink and remain alert to any changes that may indicate a change in that condition.

There is not much data on prostate cancer. Because of the prostate, it is a male disease, sometimes appearing at the age of 40 years or older and over 50 years. For reasons not yet known, if it is found more often in African American men. I asked a guest speaker at the HRMCC meeting, a retired urologist, why this is so. He said, “We just don’t know.” It’s an important piece of research, but without conclusive results yet.

Thank you for responding to my post on and for reading this Ezine article. I would be most grateful if you would visit the men in your life about it. If you are reading this and you are over 40, please speak with your urologist about your prostate condition.

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